This was my first serious two wheeler, light weight with ultra thin tires. The Cycle introduced me in to serious daily habit of cycling at least 20 km. And helped me to run errands of all kinds. Now this is with a friend who has slightly modified the seats and running it approximately at the same pace.
A cycle in every household is a vision suggested by my friend Prof B V Krishnamurthy. Interesting idea as everyone should be able to cycle and to start with own one through purchase or acquired through charity. There are number of state governments offering cycles free of cost to rural students especially girls which usually end up being used by other rural householders. Not just one cycle in every household but also cycle maintenance workshops in every village providing employment to millions of youth. Separate venture funding or angel funding sources could be tapped besides government or bank loans to set up just such a venture
Quality of spares and tyres are still major concern especially in mid towns and rural villages which need to be urgently looked into. We also dont have cycles promotion councils and such arms of local bodies to promote cycles. Fancy cycle roads are no solution when it comes to bulk usage. Safety of cyclists especially in urban households being ensured by normal traffic management as the bulk of dedicated cycle paths are prone to be encroached upon.